Saturday, February 16, 2013

In Response to Nick Vita

Do you think that humor is the best way to advertise on TV these days, or does it make a company look less serious than it should?

In Nick's blog he talked about commercials and the different ways producers and companies try to get your attention. I have seen the Geiko commercial he is talking about and I think it is a great way to get everyones attention. I too realize and remember that commercial from only seeing it a time or too. They used the strategy of bringing in a well known athlete, catching the viewers attention, then throwing comedy into it keeping their interest in the commercial and keep watching. Having such a well known company bring in those two factors created a very effective result.
I think that humor is a very good way to advertise on TV because it catches the audiences attention. It doesnt make the company look less serious because viewers already have their opinion and knowledge about the company Geiko to begin with, so by creating a humorous commercial, in my opinion worked well. Although there are many different types including appealing to vanity, bandwagon, celebrity endorsement, and parodies. Some work better in different situations depending on the product or service they are trying to present to viewers. 

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